Book review: The Ultimate Pi Day Party by Jackie Lau

The Ultimate Pi Day Party (Baldwin Village, #1)

The Ultimate Pi Day Party by Jackie Lau

This is a lovely story about Josh (tech CEO) and Sarah (pie maker extraordinaire). Josh is throwing a pi day party in the hope that it will be the catalyst to healing the rift between him and his dad. He hires Sarah, from the Happy As Pie shop to cater for the event.
The characters are all really well developed and I felt I knew both Sarah and Josh. I loved that Sarah has been working so that she feels she hasn’t made many female friends and these friendships are almost as important to her as her budding relationship with Josh.
I also adored Josh’s mum.
There is a lot about food in this book and I kept having to go fetch myself a snack.
Very nice, low angst, (relatively) high heat, feel good romance. And there are maths jokes!

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