Inheritance Books – Charlotte Hains

This week’s Inheritance Books are are from Charlotte Hains. 

Hi Charlotte, welcome to Inheritance Books. Please, tell us a bit about yourself.

winnie the pooh

I left the UK for France after deciding I needed a change, taking on the huge project of renovating a house. In the UK my life consisted of getting up, going to work, coming home, going to bed, and just surviving. I now enjoy French life within the community of the village in which I live, and feel privileged to be part of it. My French neighbours are fantastic, offering me help in every way they can. I would probably have given up long ago if they hadn’t been so understanding.
With the house nearly finished I found myself facing long nights and lots of thumb twiddling, reading anything that I could get on my iPad. In honesty, I openly admit it was here that Fifty Shades of Grey caught my eye. Unbeknownst to me, my sister was reading it to. My sister thought that, because I had such a creative side, maybe I’d be able to write a book too. As a joke, I started to email my sister stories, also written on my iPad. I researched blogs and BDSM sites on the internet, and so Introducing Charlotte came to life. Before I knew it, I had over 150,000 words from the email instalments I’d been sending to my sister, and there was more than enough for a book…or maybe even two!
Which book have you inherited from the generation above? Why is it special?
I don’t think I have ever truly inherited a book, although I have always loved books and if there is one book that stands out it would have to be, the favourite bear of most beloved childhood books; Winnie the Pooh. It just seems to be timeless, never dating or falling out of favour. It was first read to me by a librarian in the local library where I grew up, and it’s the book that opened my mind to a whole new world of imagination, that I still keep to this day. It’s also the first book I read to my children and we spent many hours when they were so tiny looking for Winnie the Pooh and all his friends in Hundred Acre Woods. So this book is special to me on so many levels and one to be shared with children and adults alike.

peter pan

Which book would you like to leave to future generations? Why?
Again I have chosen a children’s book and it has to be Peter Pan. Its so full of adventures to unlock the imagination of any child, especially when listening to Peter Pan being well read. The reason why I choose this book is that it too has stood the test of time, with its make believe play. It symbolises innocence of children around the world.

A lot of people choose children’s books as Inheritance Books, I guess we like to pass on the books that shaped us, and children’s books are more influential than most!

Thank you very much for sharing your Inheritance Books with us, Charlotte. All the best with your book (books!).

book cover

You can find out more about Charlotte at her website, on Facebook or you can follow her on Twitter (@charlottehains).

Charlotte is giving away two e-copies of Introducing Charlotte. You can enter by clicking on the button below, which will take you to the Rafflecopter draw.

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