Goodreads Book Review: Afternoon Tea at the Sunflower Cafe by Milly Johnson

The Woman Who Gave Up ChocolateThe Woman Who Gave Up Chocolate by Milly Johnson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I picked this book up after hearing Milly Johnson give a hilariously funny speech. I figured if she was that funny in real life, her books were worth a shot.

The story follows three (possibly four, if you count Ivanka) women – Della, Connie and Cheryl, all of whom are connected to the Diamond Shine cleaning company. It’s set in Barnsley and the Yorkshire accents took me right back to my teenage years in W Yorks.

An awful lot happens in the story, you’ll have to read and find out what. What stood out for me was the warmth of the writing. There was one scene where the ladies are all gathered in the Sunflower Cafe, where you could really feel the connection between them. It made me feel included and loved, as though I were one of them. It’s a rare book that achieves that!

The only reason I didn’t give it a full five stars was that there was a bit of changing heads mid scene, which annoys me (I’m a bear of very little brain and get confused). If you don’t mind that, I know most people don’t, then you’ll be fine. Go. Enjoy.

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