About me


Hi, I’m Rhoda

I write contemporary rom coms and women’s fiction with a hint of geek.

Back in the early 2000s, when I commuted into London every day, I read romance novels and wished there were more books about women who were not obsessed with shoes.  Besides which, where were all the nice men? The sort that rely on wit and charm rather than money and biceps.

I now write the sort of books I wanted to read … and am lucky enough to find publishers who want to publish them!

In real life, I have a DPhil in microbiolgy and work with intellectual property. In fact, my pen name is based on the bacteria I did my DPhil work on, Rhodobacter sphaeroides.

You can usually find me wittering on about fiction, science or cake (sometimes all three at the same time) here on my blog, on Facebook or Twitter (@rhodabaxter). I also write multi-cultural women’s fiction as Jeevani Charika.

My books have been nominated for prizes and my articles have appeared on various websites, including USA Today.

My latest book That Holiday in France is out now.

I am a member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and the Society of Authors. I’m also a member of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, but that’s probably not terribly relevant here.

If you want to hear about new books before they come out, please join my reader group newsletter.  (Or you can follow me on Amazon or Bookbub if that’s how you roll).

I’m represented by Jo Bell or Bell Lomax Moreton agency .(function

31 thoughts on “About me

  1. Lovely meeting you at an RNA chapter meeting a few months back. Just signed up for your newsletter, going to look for your books on Kindle.

    Also, hedgehogs are always relevant, aren’t they?


  2. I attended the Beverley Literature Festival yesterday and saw your session, which I thought was very interesting.


    1. I really enjoyed doing the session at Beverley Literature Festival. The others did too. I’m so glad you found it interesting. Thank you for taking the time to drop by my website! It’s very much appreciated.


  3. I think it’s important to write what we like to read. That way, after we’ve already read our manuscript a zillion times during the editing process, we might still be entertained. 😉

    Thanks for stopping by my site. I appreciate it! Found you on Facebook, too. 🙂


      1. Excellent point. I didn’t do that with my last manuscript, but I plan to do it this time. Though I must admit, the act excites me about as much as watching paint dry. 🙂


  4. I was amazed (and pleased!) to read about “Patently In Love” in IPKat today when I caught up with reading IPKat after being away for a few days. Would you believe that, as a retired patent attorney, I published my first novel (“The Schmetterling Effect”) on Amazon on 15 March 2012 (the same day as you) and that the hero is a male English patent attorney who falls head over heels for an Irish trade mark attorney who he meets in her office in Dublin? Having said that, the love story is incidental to the main plot, so I do not see our books being in competition. My main plot line is that the consumption by a Dr Schmetterling (which is German for “butterfly”) of a considerable amount of Irish stout in an Irish bar in Berlin in 2005 leads, a few years in the future from now, to reformation of the European Union (EU) in an ugly form, nuclear war in the middle east, economic collapse in Ireland, the discovery of huge oil and gas reserves under Ireland concealed by the EU, a vicious murder, retribution for the murder, and a geopolitical effect of surprising magnitude! (Also, for IP-type readers, some digital signal processing and mechanical engineering is thrown in!)
    Anyway, I hope that we are both successful in our ventures from the technical into the artistic.


    1. Hi Ivan
      Sounds like 15 March 2012 was a good day for IP related literature!
      Your book sounds very different to mine. I’ll have to go have a look on Amazon. Good luck with the book.



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